(Patriot.Buzz) – In an outrageous violation of First Amendment rights, a woman from Surprise, Arizona, was recently removed and arrested at a city council meeting after she tried to discuss the city attorney’s salary.
Watch the video below.
During the meeting, 32-year-old Rebekah Massie addressed the council about the city attorney’s contract renewal and pay raise.
Massie expressed concerns about various alleged legal violations associated with the contract.
“Recent months have uncovered numerous violations or alleged violations in blatant disregard, I would say, for not only the Arizona Revised Statues, the State Bar rules of professional conduct but also the Arizona State Constitution and the Bill of Rights at the federal level,” Massie stated.
As Massie detailed these violations, she was interrupted by Mayor Skip Hall, who cited the meeting’s guidelines restricting certain types of public comments.
“Ms. Massie, I’ve got to interrupt you here because this is the public meeting forum you agreed to when you speak and I want to read this to you,” Hall intervened.
“That there are ‘Oral communications during the City Council meeting may not be used to lodge charges or complaints against any employ of the city, or members of the body, regardless of whether such person is identified in the presentation by their name, or by any other reference that tends to identify him or her,” Hall added.
Massie countered, asserting her right to free speech. “This is your warning,” Hall responded.
“Warning for what?” Massie asked. “Warning for attacking a city attorney personally,” Hall explained.
“This is factual information,” Massie insisted. “You are violating my First Amendment rights.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Hall replied. “This is what you agreed to for speaking, this is the form.”
The disagreement escalated when the mayor asked police to escort Massie out of the meeting.
“I have certain inalienable rights, and they were not only trampled on, but the mayor essentially weaponized the police force to shut me up that night,” Massie told a news outlet.
Massie also described the physical and emotional impact of the incident. She noted that she was forcibly taken to the ground, which caused her multiple bruises.
Her 10-year-old daughter was deeply distressed as she witnessed the ordeal.
Outrageous: Mayor of @AZSurprise has a resident arrested (in front of her 10-year-old daughter) for criticizing officials. At 2:30, Mayor @skiphall2 warns her from “attacking the city attorney personally” and orders police to remove her. Appalling disregard for First Amendment. pic.twitter.com/03ZJNtFr5o
— Adam Steinbaugh (@adamsteinbaugh) August 23, 2024
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