Only ‘Progressive’ Students Get THIS?!

(Patriot.Buzz) – Confirming the bias in favor of progressives, a study revealed that this year’s federally-funded Truman Scholarship has mainly gone to students with ties to Democratic politicians or progressive movements.

According to a College Fix analysis, 43 of the 60 recipients have worked with Democratic figures, supported progressive causes or identify as left-leaning.

In contrast, only five of the scholarship winners are associated with Republican politicians, conservative causes or identify as right-leaning.

This data was gathered from the scholars’ biographies, LinkedIn profiles and responses to email inquiries.

Responding to questions, Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation executive secretary Terry Babcock-Lumish claimed in an email that the foundation does not use political affiliations as a selection criterion.

“The Truman Foundation’s selection process is based solely on applicants’ demonstrated commitment to public service, leadership potential, and academic excellence,” she stated.

Babcock-Lumish also asserted that the foundation is usually unaware of an applicant’s political stance and that students might work for politicians even if they do not fully share their views.

She explained that the process depends on nominations from undergraduate institutions, which means the selected Truman Scholars reflect the pool of nominated candidates.

“If students are not nominated or do not apply, we cannot select them,” she said.

Among the Democratic affiliates in this year’s group, scholars have interned or worked for notable politicians such as Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, California Rep. Adam Schiff and others across various states.

Some scholars have also engaged with organizations like Planned Parenthood Generation Action and College Democrats or advocated for issues including LGBTQ+ safety, racial justice and environmental justice.

In turn, a few recipients have worked with Republican figures like Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty.

The Truman Scholarships amount to $30,000 each and are given annually to about 60 students from roughly 800 applicants.

In return, recipients commit to spending three of their first seven post-graduate years in public service.

Established by Congress as a memorial to President Harry Truman, the foundation’s board includes a bipartisan group of trustees as mandated by federal law, including members from both major political parties.

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