Columbus Day Canceled by THIS College?!

Bronze statue pointing skyward with sunlight background.

(Patriot.Buzz) – In a shocking betrayal of Italian American heritage and Catholic tradition, New York’s largest Catholic university has erased Christopher Columbus from its calendar.

This latest surrender to the woke mob has sparked outrage among Italian American civic leaders and alumni who view this as a direct assault on their cultural identity and historical contributions to America.

St. John’s University has quietly replaced “Christopher Columbus Day” with a vague “fall mini break” on its institutional calendar, aligning itself with the radical left’s agenda to rewrite history.

This move follows the university’s previous capitulation when it changed its sports team name from the Redmen to the Red Storm, caving to pressure over its Native American mascot.

The decision has ignited a firestorm of criticism from those who recognize Columbus as a symbol of Italian American pride and Catholic faith.

President of the Columbus Heritage Coalition Angelo Vivolo did not mince words and stated, “To not acknowledge Columbus is insane. Of course it’s an insult.”

This latest attack on Columbus Day is part of a broader cultural shift initiated by former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, who criticized the explorer for his treatment of indigenous people.

St. John’s claimed the change was made due to “limited days on the academic calendar,” choosing to observe Veterans Day instead.

However, this weak excuse fails to address the real issue: the systematic erasure of Italian American history and contributions.

While the university caved to leftist pressure, other institutions like Fordham University still proudly closed for Columbus Day.

The backlash from the Italian American community has been swift and severe, as Joseph Scelsa, founder and president of the Italian American Museum, expressed his dismay:

“It’s outrageous not acknowledging Columbus. It’s just ludicrous. They might as well call St. John’s University ‘John’s University.’ They get an ‘F’ for trying to be cute about it.”

Meanwhile, this decision by St. John’s University is more than just a calendar change, it is a capitulation to the radical left’s agenda to erase history and undermine traditional American values.

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