Biden’s Daughter Mocked (Video)

(Patriot.Buzz) – It seems that being prone to baffling gaffes runs in the family, as Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden was mocked on social media after a verbal slip-up.

Watch the video below.

During a White House event celebrating Pride Month, Ashley made a mistake just like the several ones Americans have seen Joe make over the years.

Speaking to an audience on the South Lawn, the 43-year-old social worker highlighted the need for LGBTQ children to grow up in environments where they feel “loved, accepted and supported.”

However, partway through her 4-minute speech, Ashley misstated the well-known acronym representing sexual orientations and gender identities.

“LGBCT…,” she began, hesitating before correcting herself. “LGBTQ students deserve to be safe at school, at home and in their communities. Period,” she continued, recovering from the stumble.

Observers on X and members of the Republican National Committee did not miss a beat, playfully mocking the slip-up.

The RNC Research’s X account promptly shared a clip of the mishap with the caption, “L-G-B-what now?”

This moment sparked a flurry of comments suggesting that such slips of the tongue might be a family trait.

“She’s a true Biden,” commented one X user. “Like father, like daughter,” added another, while a third noted, “Obviously it runs in the family.”

One individual humorously suggested that the White House might have had a role in the error, quipping, “They had the teleprompter set to ‘Biden.’”

Meanwhile, Joe was not present at the Pride event as he was at Camp David in Maryland, preparing for his upcoming debate with former President Donald Trump.

Despite the brief flub, Ashley used her time at the podium to promote her father’s administration, describing it as “the most pro-equality administration in history.”

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