BOMBSHELL: Illegals Got THIS! Did YOU?

Migrants behind the wall at the southern border

(Patriot.Buzz) – Highlighting the damaging consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies, illegals in Florida got a whopping $566 million in free healthcare services in just six months of 2023.

This shocking revelation comes from a report by Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration, which exposes the dire financial strain illegal aliens have imposed on the healthcare system.

The consequences of this massive expenditure are far-reaching, affecting not just hospitals but hitting the wallets of hardworking American taxpayers and insurance holders.

In an effort to address the situation, Governor Ron DeSantis took a bold step with Senate Bill (SB) 1718, which requires Medicaid-accepting hospitals to document patients’ immigration status.

By doing so, Governor DeSantis’s administration seeks to shed light on the true cost of illegal immigration to Florida’s healthcare system.

The data collected under this law reveals a startling reality: illegals are placing an enormous burden on our hospitals, potentially compromising care for legal residents and citizens.

While leftist organizations attempt to downplay these costs, the numbers speak for themselves.

Whether through increased costs passed on to patients, higher insurance premiums or additional taxpayer funding, Americans are footing the bill for illegals in the country.

The situation in Florida reflects a growing national crisis. Texas, which is also grappling with unchecked illegal immigration, is enacting similar measures to track healthcare costs associated with illegals.

Critics of these policies argue that they might deter illegals from seeking care, potentially causing public health issues.

However, this argument fails to address the core problem: the presence of millions of illegals who are draining resources meant for citizens and legal residents.

The focus should be on enforcing immigration laws and securing our borders, not on accommodating those who break our laws.

The American Medical Association’s suggestion to avoid documenting immigration status in health records is an attempt to shield illegals from accountability.

It is worth noting that while some claim illegals pay state and local taxes, any such contributions pale in comparison to the huge costs they impose on our healthcare system and other public services.

As the country moves forward, Americans must support policies that put them first and ensure that the healthcare system serves those who rightfully need it and fund it.

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