‘He’s Not Equipped To Be President’

Donald Trump and Joe Biden

(Patriot.Buzz) – Making it clear that his opponent is not equipped to be president, former President Donald Trump slammed Joe Biden after the senile Democrat delivered unclear answers and appeared aged and confused during Thursday’s debate on CNN.

Biden’s lackluster performance reinforced Republican criticisms of the 81-year-old Democrat – the oldest in American history – as too old, weak, and mentally faltering to serve another term in office. Trump echoed these sentiments during the debate.

“He’s not equipped to be president,” Trump said. “You know it and I know it.”

The debate became intensely personal between the two men, who showed little restraint in their nearly two-hour exchange. Biden labeled Donald Trump a “loser” and a “whiner” with the “morals of an alley cat.”

Moreover, Trump accused Biden of turning the United States into a “third-world nation” and claimed he was “by far the worst president in history.”

On the one hand, Trump delivered a robust performance, attacking Biden on issues like inflation and immigration under his administration. However, Biden’s struggles dominated CNN’s post-debate analysis, with reports of senior Democrats in a state of “aggressive panic” over his perceived frailty.

On the other hand, Biden stumbled when discussing improvements at the border, saying, “I’m going to continue to move until we get the total ban on, the total initiative relative what we’re going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers.”

Additionally, Trump made several exaggerated claims during the debate about his achievements and Biden’s failures, such as boasting about responsibility for the “greatest economy in the history of our country” and accusing Biden of making the southern border “the most dangerous place in the world.”

Throughout the night, Trump attacked Biden’s record on immigration, alleging he allowed criminals from prisons, jails, and mental institutions into the country, claiming they were taking jobs from African Americans.

Furthermore, the decision to hold a debate in June, particularly early in a presidential cycle, was reportedly Biden’s idea. In mid-May, he challenged Trump in a video on X, urging Trump to debate him and to “make my day, pal.”

In turn, Biden’s team viewed the early June debate as an opportunity to demonstrate to voters, who may not yet be closely following the race, that the 81-year-old possesses the stamina for another term as president. However, Thursday’s performance is unlikely to bolster his case.

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