House Speaker to Make MAJOR Announcement

(Patriot.Buzz) – Revealing the Republican roadmap for an enhanced American presence on the global stage, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is set to present his foreign policy strategy at the Hudson Institute, a notable conservative think tank in Washington D.C., on July 8.

This event is strategically scheduled a day before the NATO summit, which Joe Biden will host.

Known for bringing in former senior officials from the Trump administration and its robust support of foreign military aid, especially to Ukraine, the Hudson Institute will serve as the venue for Johnson’s speech.

His address is expected to detail his plans to “bolster the credibility of U.S. deterrence, strengthen alliances, improve America’s hard power, and maintain freedom, security, and prosperity for the American people.”

Although he is relatively new to the national spotlight after becoming Speaker last year, Johnson is carving out a role as a significant figure in foreign policy.

He is also aligning himself with former President Donald Trump, whose endorsement is crucial for Johnson as he aims to retain his leadership positions in the GOP and the House.

In a notable move earlier this year, Johnson pushed a $100 billion national security bill that included aid for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific region through the lower chamber despite facing internal opposition from figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

He managed to secure Trump’s support before the vote, which helped him counter Greene’s challenge effectively.

Johnson has publicly supported U.S. military assistance for Ukraine, calling it “critically important” and citing intelligence briefings he has received as Speaker.

He expressed concerns about Russian aggression under Vladimir Putin and suggested that without support, Putin might escalate his actions in Europe.

Johnson’s choice of the Hudson Institute as the platform for his speech highlights its significance, as it promotes U.S. global engagement and a strong alliance policy.

This choice places Johnson amid voices like Trump’s former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, both of whom are associated with the Hudson Institute and support its mission.

Additionally, former Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), known for his critical views on China and his recent work in Congress, has also enhanced the Institute’s profile as a center for conservative policy shaping after joining it.

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