Trump ATTACKED – Called ‘Surrender Monkey’

Donald Trump speaking in front of multiple American flags.

(Patriot.Buzz) – Showcasing the left’s desperation just weeks ahead of the elections, former Obama White House adviser Susan Rice launched a baseless attack on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s foreign policy record.

In an attempt to undermine Trump’s America First agenda, Rice resorted to name-calling and making false comparisons, exposing the left’s fear of Trump’s potential return to office.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Rice bizarrely compared Trump to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, known for appeasing Nazi Germany.

She went as far as labeling Trump a “surrender monkey,” claiming he replicates Chamberlain’s weakness in international strategy.

Rice’s baffling comparison conveniently ignores Trump’s strong stance against America’s adversaries and his successful foreign policy achievements.

Under Trump’s leadership, ISIS was decimated, North Korea was brought to the negotiating table and historic peace deals were brokered in the Middle East.

The former Obama adviser claimed that U.S. foreign policy traditionally had a bipartisan, rational center focused on national security.

However, she failed to acknowledge how the Biden-Harris administration’s weak foreign policy has emboldened America’s enemies and compromised national security.

Rice also accused Trump of undermining U.S. foreign policy fundamentals by prioritizing personal interests over national security.

This baseless claim ignores Trump’s consistent America First approach, which prioritizes the interests of American citizens in every decision.

In an effort to discredit Trump, Rice highlighted his approach to Ukraine and interactions with Xi Jinping as examples of an alleged appeasement strategy.

This criticism conveniently overlooks the fact that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine occurred under Biden’s watch, not Trump’s.

Rice’s claims that over 700 senior national security leaders from various political backgrounds have opposed Trump and supported Kamala Harris also raises questions about the deep state’s influence.

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