(Patriot.Buzz) – In a shocking display of government incompetence, Las Vegas police accidentally shot the wrong man after he made a 911 call for help during a home invasion.
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43-year-old Brandon Durham was hiding with his 15-year-old daughter when he desperately called 911 during a home invasion in Las Vegas.
Instead of receiving the help he urgently needed, Durham became the victim of a deadly shooting by the very officers sworn to protect him.
26-year-old officer Alexander Bookman responded to the call and tragically ended up shooting Durham.
Body camera footage revealed the chaotic scene where Bookman fired one round, causing both Durham and the intruder to fall, before firing five more rounds.
Durham’s last words to the 911 dispatcher were a plea for help, saying, “Send someone ASAP,” but instead of receiving assistance, he was met with deadly force.
At a news conference, a civil rights attorney representing the family, Lee Merritt, said, “Mr. Durham was not threatening anyone. There’s no justification for the use of force against Mr. Durham.”
The intruder, identified as Alejandra Boudreaux, was arrested and charged with home invasion and assault.
Later, it was revealed that Durham and Boudreaux had a previous romantic relationship, adding another layer of complexity to this already tragic situation.
The fact that no gun was found at the scene, despite initial reports of shots fired, further questions the officer’s use of deadly force.
While the Las Vegas Police Protective Association argued that Officer Bookman did not intend to commit a crime, intent does not negate the devastating consequences of his actions. The officer is currently on paid leave.
A report read that “Mr Durham’s teenage daughter said she was “disgusted” with Las Vegas police as they treated him like “the suspect” not “the victim.”
Durham’s family is rightfully calling for Bookman to be fired and charged, arguing there was no justification for the use of force.
Their lawyer is seeking an arrest warrant for Bookman, a step towards justice that many feel is long overdue in cases of police misconduct.
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