Conservative FBI Agents Punished?!

FBI Agent Wearing Official Jacket

(Patriot.Buzz) – An FBI supervisory special assistant, who is also a registered Democrat, has filed a whistleblower complaint due to political bias against conservatives in the bureau’s decisions concerning security clearances.

He stated that after revealing the FBI’s improper handling of security clearances, the bureau retaliated by suspending his own clearance.

This week, he escalated the issue by sending details of his claims to both the House and Senate Judiciary committees and filing a formal complaint with the Justice Department’s Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility.

Representing the whistleblower through the advocacy group Empower Oversight, Tristan Leavitt outlined the misconduct to Congress.

“The client—a registered Democrat—witnessed firsthand as an SSA [supervisory special agent] how the FBI’s Security Division improperly suspended or revoked employees’ security clearances whose political views, medical views, or even ethnicity were questioned by Security Division leadership.”

Leavitt further detailed the FBI’s abuse of the security clearance process to push out employees.

This included suspending their clearances, removing them from duty without pay and imposing severe restrictions on their employment status, which effectively left them in a financially difficult position for an indefinite period.

The complaint includes specific instances, such as the case of Marcus Allen, an FBI staff operations specialist who had his security clearance revoked—and later reinstated—after he questioned the official narrative surrounding the events of January 6th.

Another case involved FBI Special Agent Steve Friend, whose security clearances were revoked just before he was due to testify before the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Friend had expressed concerns about the bureau’s focus on the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

According to Friend and others, these actions show how the FBI might bypass whistleblower protection laws by manipulating security clearance statuses.

The FBI has faced multiple allegations recently, from targeting pro-life protesters to monitoring parents at school board meetings and using resources from the Southern Poverty Law Center—a group criticized for labeling mainstream conservative and Christian organizations as “hate groups.”

In one controversial move, the FBI’s Richmond office used data from the SPLC to surveil “radical traditional Catholics,” a decision that was later rescinded by the national office.

The Justice Department also collaborated with the SPLC on a “hate” report released in 2023.

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