Biden Caught Lying Again

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

During a recent speech in Milwaukee at the Ingeteam wind turbine generator manufacturing facility, President Biden mentioned witnessing a bridge fall in Pittsburgh in 2022. He told attendees, “Many of you might recall our visit to Pittsburgh, a city renowned for its numerous bridges – the highest count in the U.S.” He continued, “I witnessed that bridge’s downfall,” and elaborated, “I arrived to see it descending from over 200 feet above a valley. Fortunately, the pandemic had closed schools then.”

This segment of his speech was widely shared on X, previously known as Twitter.

Former congressional nominee David Giglio humorously remarked, referencing another questionable story from Biden, “Maybe he saw it during one of his imaginary truck drives.”

Paul Bedard, a columnist from Washington Examiner Secrets, clarified, “He actually reached the site several hours later because he was in the area for an infrastructure-related visit.”

Sean Parnell, the host of the Battleground podcast, expressed disbelief, writing, “I’m confident that Biden didn’t directly witness any bridge falling in Pittsburgh. Astonishing.”

Dan Dakich, a broadcaster from Outkick, commented, “Another falsehood. Why do we let this slide?”

Viral conservative influencer Sunny McSunnyface remarked, “He seems incapable of delivering an address without any factual inaccuracies. I wish there was some tool or system to monitor such presidential inaccuracies. Where’s [CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale] when you need him?”

PGA Tour professional Hunter Mahan observed, “It’s astonishing the frequency of his inaccuracies.”

Jim Iuorio, host of the Futures Edge Podcast, mentioned, “This isn’t a ‘gotcha’ moment. Joe has a history of crafting his narratives during his long public career. Remember his ‘top of my class’ statement?”