Biden Begs: ‘I Need You Badly’

Joe Biden

(Patriot.Buzz) – Confirming he knows he has no chance at reelection, Joe Biden resorted to begging for the support of those present during a recent stop at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona.

“I need you badly,” Biden implored the diners. “I need the help. You’re the reason why, in large part, I beat Donald Trump.”

Biden’s plea highlights a critical challenge: his diminishing appeal among Hispanic voters, particularly young Latino men, a crucial demographic for the Democratic party.

Right now, there is a clear shift toward Trump among this group.

A survey by The New York Times/Siena College this week sees Biden’s Hispanic support at 50%—a figure considered low for a Democrat—while Trump’s approval among Hispanics has surged to 41%.

An Axios/Ipsos survey further displayed Biden’s slipping grip on Hispanic voters, noting a 12-point decline over three years from 53% to 41%.

While still trailing, Trump managed to increase his Hispanic support by 8 points since a 2021 poll.

Chris Jackson from Ipsos pointed to inflation and the rising cost of living under Biden’s administration as significant concerns for Hispanic voters, factors that also dampen Biden’s appeal to other voter groups.

Jackson noted, “Most noteworthy is that Biden has fallen. And that’s the real story. Trump is getting a lot of credit for the prepandemic economy.”

Adding to Biden’s challenges, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign in key states such as Nevada and Arizona might further slash his Hispanic voter base.

Although Democratic strategist Fernand Amandi remains optimistic about Biden’s prospects of a significant victory among Hispanic voters, he acknowledged that Trump’s modest gains could impact election outcomes.

Some Democrats are calling for a more targeted approach to reengage voters leaning toward Trump and Kennedy or those thinking about not voting, highlighting the urgency of retaining these traditionally Democratic supporters.

Trump’s campaign attributes his growing Hispanic support to economic concerns, promising to continue addressing these key issues.

Danielle Alvarez, a spokesperson for Trump’s campaign, criticized Biden’s policies for increasing costs, border issue, and undermining the American dream.

“That’s why so many Hispanics will vote for President Trump to get our economy booming, and the chaos at the border, and Make America Great Again,” she said.

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