BREAKING: GOP Leadership Shake-up

(Patriot.Buzz) – Following months of increased criticism from former President Donald Trump due to less-than-stellar results nationwide, the head of the Republican National Committee (RNC) just made a major announcement.

Formerly endorsed by Trump to lead the RNC, Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced her resignation effective March 8 after seven years in her role and being the first woman to run the committee.

She listed her significant achievements during her tenure:

“Some of my proudest accomplishments include firing Nancy Pelosi, winning the popular vote in 2022, creating an Election Integrity Department, building the committee’s first small dollar grassroots donor program, strengthening our state parties through our Growing Republican Organizations to Win program, expanding the Party through minority outreach at our community centers, and launching Bank Your Vote to get Republicans to commit to voting early,” as reported first by the New York Times.

Her resignation comes after Trump threw his support behind North Carolina’s GOP Chairman Michael Whatley to take over the RNC leadership, with his daughter-in-law Lara Trump proposed as co-chair.

Previously the GOP frontrunner and Republicans like former candidate Vivek Ramaswamy voiced concerns about McDaniel’s leadership, especially pointing to the Republican Party’s lackluster showing in the 2022 midterm elections.

McDaniel mentioned her departure is in line with allowing the upcoming nominee to pick their preferred RNC Chair, a move she describes as being backed by historical practice.

“The RNC has historically undergone change once we have a nominee and it has always been my intention to honor that tradition,” she stated.

She will officially leave her role at the end of next week during the RNC Spring Training event in Houston, Texas.