
Biden Backstabs Netanyahu (Video)

(Patriot.Buzz) - In a backstabbing move threatening one of the U.S.’ closest allies, Joe Biden stated he is “not supplying the weapons” to fend...

US Soldier Arrested?!

(Patriot.Buzz) - In a shocking development looking to creatе conflict between the two nations, a U.S. soldier stationed in South Korea was arrested in...

US Sports Star Missing in Mexico

(Patriot.Buzz) - Mexican authorities have arrested several individuals linked to the disappearance of three foreign tourists, including an American surfer and two Australians who...

Putin Didn’t Do It?!

(Patriot.Buzz) - U.S. intelligence agencies believe that the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in February at a prison camp in...

Americans to Illegals: Leave!

(Patriot.Buzz) - Including a notable percentage of Democrats, a new poll reveals that more than half of Americans support mass deportations of illegal aliens...

Tourist Dies How?!

(Patriot.Buzz) - A tragic accidеnt occurred in Indonesia when a Chinese tourist fell into an active volcano while attempting to take a photo. According to...

ALERT: Attack Imminent

(Patriot.Buzz) - The world as we know it is about to change forever as terrorists gear up for an all-out attack against democracies that...

Biden Slammed by Dems and GOP Because of THIS!

(Patriot.Buzz) - Highlighting the state of chaos surrounding America’s foreign policy, even Democrats have turned against Joe Biden and joined Republicans to blast his...

Red China Complains About What?!

(Patriot.Buzz) - Although the communist country is positioning itself as a major threat to America from all angles, a high-ranking official from China demanded...


(Patriot.Buzz) - In a bombshell development seeking accountability for the alarming migrant crisis America is currently facing, the Republican-led House of Representatives impeached Homeland...

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